It is important to understand that although the miracle of APeX® Water’s therapeutic effectiveness is related to its ability to deliver oxygen directly into the cells, it is not an oxygen-saturated product. (There are many products on the market that claim to have super saturation of oxygen.) APeX® Water is not mere oxygenated water. In fact, the oxygen levels in APeX® Water measure about the same as any purified water. APeX® Water is an Oxygen Delivery System®.
The key to APeX® Water is that oxygen molecules are bonded to the silver core, by a Covalent Bond, and delivered through the use of the silver nuclei, past the cell membrane, and into the heart of the pathogenic cell. APeX® Water is a direct cellular infusion, oxygen delivery system®. It has the ability to specifically rout out pathogenic cells, and then one-by-one, destroy them, without any toxic residue to healthy cells. APeX® Water helps build healthy blood cells, thereby boosting the immune system.
Dark Field Microscopy Video
Dr. Jane Goldberg’s
report on APeX® Water
The Cancer Oxygen Connection
by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD