Will APeX® Water help with flu and virus?
Answer: In an acute scenario, APeX® Water may help minimize symptoms and reduce the duration of cold, flu, and other virus. The protocol is different than our normal protocol of 1 or 2 ounces per day. In a situation of acute onset of cold, flu, and other virus, the protocol is to sip the APeX® Water concentrate all day long. Do not dilute the concentrate. You can drink an entire liter in a day or two. This does not replace the fluids needed to support the system’s detoxification process. Please drink as much clean, filtered water as you can. Additionally, we can nebulize the APeX® Water Oxygen Delivery System® directly into the lungs. Recommended Nebulizer. We can spray the APeX® Water concentrate directly into the sinus pathways, using a sinus spray bottle. We are here to support anyone willing to learn about APeX® Water, so please call with questions! Thank you, and stay healthy!
How much APeX® Water should I drink daily?
For those with chronic health challenges – Morning – 1/2 oz. (1 TBSP) concentrate – hold in mouth for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes), swallow. It is not like oil pulling, where you spit out the oil after holding in your mouth. You swallow the APeX®, as any bacteria has been eliminated by APeX®, and it continues working once you swallow. Repeat daily.
Daytime – add 1 oz. (2 TBSP) concentrate to about 20 oz. of filtered water (not distilled water – it is acidic, not juice, not lemon water, etc.) Drink this throughout the day, in addition to normal water intake. Repeat daily.
Evening – 1/2 oz. (1 TBSP) concentrate – hold in mouth for as long as possible (up to 30 minutes), swallow. Repeat daily.
For maintenance: Morning – 1/2 oz. (1 TBSP) of APeX® concentrate, hold in the mouth for up to 30 minutes, swallow. Then add 1/2 oz. (1 TBSP) of APeX® concentrate in approximately 20 oz. of clean filtered water, and drink in addition to your normal water intake. Repeat daily.
NOTE: We recommend taking APeX® at least 30 minutes away from food, only because if you have any fresh fruits or veggies that you haven’t cleaned all the bacteria from, APeX® will go to work on that bacteria before entering the blood stream. This is not a requirement, but rather a suggestion, if possible.
Can I use APeX® Water directly on my skin?
Answer: Yes. APeX® Water concentrate (non-diluted) can help with burns, cuts, scraps, rashes, and wound recovery. Simply spray the APeX® Water concentrate directly on affected area, allowing it to dry naturally. Do this a minimum of 3x per day. It may also be beneficial to place an APeX® concentrate saturated cloth or paper towel, sized appropriately, and keep on the affected area. Keep moist by spraying concentrate on the cloth, or even wrap with plastic wrap to retain moisture.
What are some other uses of APeX® Water?
Answer: APeX® Water can be used with a nebulizer, for direct delivery into the lungs. Spraying in the nose and eyes can be helpful; as can dropping in the ear canal. APeX® Water may also be used with an enema or douche bag. Direct contact of the concentrated APeX® Water to affected area is highly recommended. Recommended Nebulizer.
Can I drink APeX® Water with food?
Answer: We do not recommend drinking APeX® Water with food. If there is any bacteria left on fresh fruits or veggies, the APeX® will work on that bacteria before going to the blood stream. We recommend drinking APeX® Water a minimum of 30 minutes away from food. This is not a requirement, but rather a recommendation, if possible.
Can I give APeX® Water to my animal?
Answer: Absolutely. Animals’ cells need oxygen, too. We have many clients who have used APeX® Water with their domestic animals, as well as equine, both internally and direct on skin lesions.
Is APeX® Water the same as Colloidal Silver?
Answer: No, APeX® Water is a nano-sized particle of silver, surrounded by active oxygen molecules. A Covalent Bond holds active oxygen molecules to the silver nucleus. Colloidal Silver has zero oxygen value.
How much silver is in APeX® Water:
Answer: Less than one part per million.
Does APeX® Water cause Argyria?
Answer: No, APeX® Water is not colloidal silver, and does not cause Argyria. We purposefully deliver APeX® Water in a clear bottle. Colloidal silver cannot be stored in a clear bottle.
Can you refrigerate APeX® Water?
Answer: Yes, however, APeX® Water does not need to be refrigerated, but refrigeration will not harm it. APeX® Water should not be frozen, boiled, or mixed with any liquid other than filtered water. Do not add lemon, sweeter, or any other mixer with APeX® Water.
What is the shelf life of APeX® Water?
Answer: 21 years and counting.
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Answer: Go to the Contact Page of this site, and send us an email!